Now You Are Here

Yesterday was one of our best days on the island so far. We were lucky enough to be invited by a good man on his very good boat to visit the tiny speck of an island off Culebra, Culebrita, that shines like a diamond amid the miles of crystal-clear turquoise waters surrounding it. We ate, drank, laughed, snorkeled, swam, sang and had a pretty amazing Sunday overall. The friends we are making here are making life so much more enjoyable, not to mention the lavish treatment we’ve been shown by so many. The people of Palmas as more hospitable than anyone I know in Arkansas, and I thought we were a pretty kind crowd…

Here are a few unedited snapshots, along with (what else) a little home movie to drink in the whole experience of the day.


A Day on Culebrita from megan knight on Vimeo.