The days are beginning to drag a bit here in quaint (empty) Palmas, and I need a golf cart to really get around inside the resort. The jeep broke down on Sunday in Fajardo (about 30 miles from home) but we were super lucky that the resort entrance attendant, Sunny, had some mechanics on staff who rigged it up within an hour. Broc was able to Youtube what the issue was and apparently it’s a common gear shift malfunction that only needed a minor part. (I played it safe and kept my camera in its bag during all that…) However, it also needs new tires, and getting them to the island is an adventure in itself! No one from the states ships anything that big here for under $500, so we’re stuck dealing with Costco and its lack of inventory and English speaking employees. I can’t drive on balled tires so for now, I’m left to sit around a pool and PLAN A WEDDING!
Yes, it’s true, we decided to have a wedding/party here in Palmas, so our friends and family have a definite date to schedule a visit. I’m finding that most people aren’t as adventurous or perhaps “plan-oriented” as I am, so my wedding invitation is looking more and more like a travel brochure… Here’s a sneak peak at the front and back cover. It’s a 12 page booklet of where, how, when and all the details of what people should do before or after the wedding. Broc says it’s intimidating but that no one will be surprised because it’s from me. (I’m not sure if that’s a compliment, but I agree with him; people know I’m a bit OCD on planning…)

More on that to come, but I’m pretty excited we decided to have one.
I also finally broke down and bought Rosetta Stone so Broc and I could get serious about learning the language. I was hoping to take a Spanish class at the community college here but apparently they only teach English (go figure). And the language barrier is causing my isolation to heighten. Broc works from 7-7 so I’m pretty much by myself all day. It’s not miserable yet, but I’m anxious to start working again. We are excited about Broc’s mom coming at the end of the month, then my friend Amy and her husband on June 7th. Daniel surprised her on her birthday with the flight tickets (what a guy, right?) and we can’t wait to have our first visitors!!!
Hilde is getting older by the day and we’re pretty sure she can’t hear at all. Sunny is still his weird little self and has taken up post at the front door to watch for whatever he thinks is out there in the wild-wild-west of Palmas Del Mar. I’m afraid he’ll be waiting there a while… We do have a famous neighbor though, the Puerto Rican raper (Jose) Cosculluela, which is pretty exciting. I haven’t figured out how to meet him yet though, and am not sure he would welcome a plate of box-made brownies. I just decided to add him on instagram so maybe that will be my in.
Other than that, here are a few things I’ve discovered I miss from back home (besides my friends, family, work, and the English language):
- Ranch dressing packets- no one carries them
- Box wine- no one carriers them, but they DO sell liquor at Walmart, which is a little weird.
- A pantry- we have zero food storage
- Central air- every room has it’s own unit, so any room you’re not spending time in is 150 degrees
- Lexus’s – we both drove one, and a jeep is quite different!
That’s about it for this exciting week so far… We do have some parties to attend tonight and then it’s the weekend, so hopefully lots of action to come!
Adios amigos